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– Paul G.[/cs_text][x_custom_headline level=”h2″ looks_like=”h5″ accent=”false” class=”cs-ta-center” style=”color: hsl(38, 100%, 49%);”][icon type=”star”] [icon type=”star”] [icon type=”star”] [icon type=”star”] [icon type=”star”][/x_custom_headline][cs_text style=”color: white;”]I’ve been going to Northville Guitar Lessons for guitar lessons since I was seven years old, I am now 16. They helped me to become the musician I am today.
– Spencer H.[/cs_text][x_custom_headline level=”h2″ looks_like=”h5″ accent=”false” class=”cs-ta-center” style=”color: hsl(38, 100%, 49%);”][icon type=”star”] [icon type=”star”] [icon type=”star”] [icon type=”star”] [icon type=”star”][/x_custom_headline][cs_text style=”color: white;”]I found a real gem with Northville Guitar Lessons. They were referred to me from a trusted friend. The instructors are great and passionate about teaching guitar.
– Greg B.[/cs_text][/cs_element_column][/cs_element_row][cs_element_row _id=”22″ ][cs_element_column _id=”23″ ][cs_text _order=”0″ class=”mbn” style=”color: grey;font-size: 11px;”]© 2018 – Northville Guitar Lessons
Michigan’s Premier Guitar School
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