Have you tried to learn guitar only to be left frustrated and disappointed? It’s Not Your Fault!
Even if you did find a quality internet lesson, there is a million to one chance it is the right lesson for you at that time. What is the big secret of internet failures? The order of what you learn is as important as the item you learn...and there is no way random internet/YouTube lessons will be relevant for where you are. Even if you were to search for a lesson on ANY topic, how would you know that it is the right lesson in the right order? IT IS NOT YOUR FAULT
Traditional Guitar lessons are boring and ineffective. If you have taken lessons before you know they consist of someone in a room slightly bigger than a closet, asking you what you want to do today. Not what are your goals, let's make a plan and play music...It is literally “what do you want to learn today?”. How would that work for you in any other skill? It doesn’t, and that is why IT IS NOT YOUR FAULT
Do you get frustrated sifting through hundreds of random internet lessons with little success? Our school is filled with adults, just like you, who have always wanted to play guitar but did not start until now.
It is never too late to begin playing guitar. Our programs are designed to have you playing real music from the very first day! There will be no nursery rhymes or boring exercises.
It is time to do something you have always wanted to do!

I used to be one of the hundreds of guitar teachers working in a small dingy room without a plan or long-term goals. I decided to devote myself entirely into creating a system that is far more enjoyable and infinitely more effective. After years of research, training, and constant study we have created just that…an environment that ensures enjoyment and a system that guarantees learning.